Table of Contents
Galatea Dialog Studio
This page shows how to adopt GDS to Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10 (and discuss how to internationalize GDS).
- Official site:
- Repository:
Testing environment
- Ubuntu 10.04 32bit Desktop (Non-Japanised) Install CD was used. Setup procedure was clean-install (not upgraded from previous version). Hardware is Panasonic CF-R4 (Pentium M 1.20GHz RAM:1GB).
EUC-JP locale generation
galatea-dialog (20100529 or earlier) requires EUC-JP locale within the Ubuntu system.
$ sudo chmod 666 /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local $ sudo echo "ja_JP.EUC-JP EUC-JP" >> /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local $ sudo locale-gen
libreadline5 is not necessary since galatea-dialog 20100530 (see below of this page), hopefully.
$ sudo aptitude install ruby $ sudo aptitude install freeglut3 $ sudo aptitude install openjdk-6-jre $ sudo aptitude install chasen $ sudo aptitude install rhino $ sudo aptitude install libreadline5 $ sudo aptitude install ttf-sazanami-gothic $ sudo dpkg -i galatea-ja-chaone_1.3.2-1_i386.deb $ sudo dpkg -i galatea-ja-unidic_20090604-1_i386.deb $ sudo dpkg -i galatea-engine_20090604-1_i386.deb $ sudo dpkg -i galatea-dialog_20100530-1_i386.deb
Testing SSM
SSM is also known as galateatalk.
$ galatea-runner
It generates ~/.galatea/ssm.conf file.
$ cd /usr/local/galatea-engine/SSM/gtalk $ ./gtalk -C ~/.galatea/ssm.conf
Then you can type as follows:
set Text = 1 set Speak = NOW
This will speak “ichi” (“one” in Japanese).
Testing SRM
$ cd /usr/local/galatea-engine/SRM/GramJulian/vfr $ ../../bin/julius -h ../../AcousticModel/hmmdefs,mono16mix,gid.binhmm -v vfr.dict -dfa vfr.dfa -demo -input mic -b 1200
$ cd /usr/local/galatea-engine/SRM
$ sudo mkdir temp
$ sudo chmod 777 temp
$ perl
set Run = INIT
set Grammar = GramJulian/vfa/vfa.dfa
set Run = START
The error below is shown.
tell cannot connect, engine startup failed.
temp/julius.log says:
ERROR: m_chkparam: cannot access GramJulian/vfa/vfa.dfa
ERROR: m_chkparam: could not pass parameter check
to be fixed..
Note on FSM
I have my repository of FSM that fixed some C++ related compatibility problems.
Dialog Studio and character encoding
Notice: galatea-dialog 20100530-1 or later version uses UTF-8 encoding for AgentManager protocol.
$ galatea-runner [runner_dir] /usr/local/galatea-dialog/files [config candidate] /usr/local/galatea-dialog/files/runner.yml /usr/local/galatea-dialog/files/config/runner.yml /usr/local/galatea-dialog/files/runner.yml /usr/local/galatea-dialog/files/runner.yml [config] /usr/local/galatea-dialog/files/runner.yml /usr/local/galatea-dialog/files/runner.yml /usr/local/galatea-dialog/files/runner.yml set broadcast = AM-MCL set broadcast = DM set broadcast = FS-MCL set broadcast = PAR LOG: START AM-MCL LOG: START FS-MCL LOG: START DIM LOG: START PAR LOG: START SSM LOG: START DM LOG: START FSM Galatea Dialog Studio 2.2.4b6 (090910) (c)2003-2009 Takuya NISHIMOTO (nishimoto [atmark] Uses Mozilla Rhino from See Rhino 1.7 release 2 2010 01 20
Speak “kon ni chi wa” to the microphone. The agent's speech is expected, but it doesn't.
* Unknown command line ... #set Text = * Unknown command line ...
Enable : Logger →
After speaking “kon ni chi wa” to the microphone, the following event is shown.
[29 SSMSubModule main] doOutput() speak (あなたは こんにちはと言いました。)
$ sudo chmod 666 /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local $ sudo echo "ja_JP.EUC-JP EUC-JP" >> /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local $ sudo locale-gen
Using “locale -a” command, you can check whether the procedure is finished.
Customizing module configurations
You can modify module configurations as follows:
$ galatea-generate myconfig $ cd myconfig $ gedit skel/am.conf.txt (or anything) $ ./script/runner
Note: update (galatea-dialog 100529 or later) is required.
Building deb packages
Version 2010-05-29 of dialog-studio-script (available at mercurial repo) is required.
$ ls dialog-studio-java dialog-studio-script
$ cd dialog-studio-java/src $ ant jar
if the build is successfully finishied:
$ cd .. $ mkdir ../dialog-studio-script/jar $ cp bin/gdm.jar ../dialog-studio-script/jar
galatea-dialog-20100530 or later version also uses dialog-studio-script/bin/gtalk (UTF-8 enabled gtalk).
$ cd .. $ mkdir galatea-dialog-20100529 $ cd galatea-dialog-20100529/ $ sudo checkinstall ruby ../dialog-studio-script/misc/setup_dialog.rb
galatea-dialog releases
release 20100530-1
Since version galatea-dialog_20100530-1, AgentManager uses UTF-8 for character encoding. EUC-JP locale is not necessary to run this version, hopefully.
This package includes:
- UTF-8 based Dialog Studio (2.3.0)
- UTF-8 enabled gtalk binary
Bug fixes:
- skelton file of fsm.conf (background of kani-demo was wrong)
- Generated app does not use ~/.galatea for tmp directory, but uses (app_dir)/tmp directory. It may help customizing module configuration.
PulseAudio compatibility
- Generated application can use skel files in the application directory.
- To improve PulseAudio compatibility, gtalk now uses padsp, and julius uses ALSA.
This is the replacement of /usr/local/galatea-dialog/files
galatea-dialog 100529 or later deb package includes this fix.
release 20101115-1
Released from on 2010-12-24.
Mercurial revisions:
- contains Galatea Dialog Studio 2.3.2 (101115).
- Modules: FS-MCL and PAR modules is rewritten with Java. DIM module is obsoleted.
- julius.conf is updated. GMM based noise rejection is disabled. using galatea-generate, you can customize by skel/julius.conf.txt template.
- using galatea-generate, skel/gtalk-euc-jp.dic.txt can be used as the gtalk dictionary template.
- do not modify “-outcode WLPSC” and “-module 10500” in skel/julius.conf.txt